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Are German Shepherd Husky Mixes Aggressive?

Are German Shepherd Husky Mixes Aggressive?

The German Shepherd Husky mix, fondly referred to as the Shepsky, is a designer dog breed with a range of traits combined from their parents. Yet, this mixed breed has garnered a reputation for being aggressive. Is that true? Are these dogs good for families with kids?

Overall, German Shepherd Husky mixes are friendly, loving, and loyal dogs, but they can become aggressive if they do not have an outlet for their energy, little training, and no socialization. This mixed breed produces a wide variety of individual personalities, so no two dogs will be alike. 

If you are considering adding a German Shepherd Husky mix to your family, read on to learn more about Shepsky’s temperament and how to prevent aggression in this dog breed. 

Are German Shepherd Husky mixes aggressive?

Overall, Shepskies are a friendly breed. However, this dog needs plenty of training, exercise, and socialization.

If these dogs are left alone for long periods of time or are not properly exercised, their pent-up energy can lead to destructive behaviors such as chewing up furniture, digging immense holes, and destroying parts of the home.

They are also possessive dogs with a strong prey drive, so they need socialization to keep these instincts in check.

These dogs need an active dog lover and owner who is devoted to spending time on training and caring for these large, lovable dogs.

What does an aggressive dog look like?

An aggressive dog will show certain body language to let you know its intentions. The American Kennel Club (AKC) outlines what true dog aggression looks like. If you see a dog who exhibits certain body language when you are around, they are acting aggressively, and you should be cautious around them. 

Aggressive dogs: 

  • Stare intensely
  • Bare their teeth
  • Lay back their ears
  • Turn up their nose
  • Lower its head to sit below the shoulders
  • Stiff tail
  • Hair standing up

The AKC states, “The instant you conclude that a dog is giving an aggressive signal, you must heed that warning.” It is important to never approach or bother an aggressive dog. It could result in injury. 

What affects a German Shepherd Husky mix’s aggressive behavior?

Usually, aggression has some underlying cause such as fear, pain, or protectiveness. There are several instances that can trigger aggressive behaviors such as the following:

  • Someone touching an injury
  • Intimidating larger dogs 
  • Unfamiliar humans
  • Loud noises 
  • Backing the dog into a corner
  • Too rough of play

He will react aggressively as a defense. 

Also, dogs can be possessive. This is the most common reason untrained Shepskies can act aggressively. They see you as theirs and don’t want anyone else around you. Their guard dog instincts combined with their pack instincts lead them to try to protect you from other dogs and strangers.

Yet, there are many ways to prevent a Shepsky from becoming aggressive. 

How do you prevent German Shepherd Husky mixes from being aggressive?

Shepskies need a lot of attention. They are high-maintenance dogs, but their love and loyalty are worth all of the extra effort. With training, proper exercise, socialization, and attention, you will be well on the way to having a family dog for many years to come. 


Shepskies need a consistent schedule. Like their Husky and German Shepherd parents, they are intelligent and strong-willed. 

As their owner, you need to either get them into obedience school early or work on training them at home from a very early age. These are work dogs, so they will love learning new tricks and skills. 

However, many of these pups will gain some of the fierce independence of their Husky parents making training a long and usually difficult process. Yet, they are generally easier to train than their predecessors. If your Shepsky is being stubborn, here is a video to help train an independent dog.  

Other owners, however, report that these dogs are eager to please like their German Shepherd parents, so they train easily. It really depends on the unique traits your dog inherits.


German Shepherd Husky mixes should exercise daily for at least an hour, but some dogs need more than that. They like to go on long walks. They jump and climb and love toys. 

Before they are 9 months, you should limit some of the more strenuous activities while your puppy’s joints and bones are still growing. 

Also, Shepskies don’t do well in the heat. If you can’t go outside, you can still play games and toys inside the house to keep your dog occupied. 


These dogs need plenty of socialization early on. Shepskies can have an intense prey drive, which means they see any smaller animals as prey. They will chase squirrels, cats, and any other small animals they see.

If they are introduced to these animals early on, it reduces their desire to chase after and intimidate them.

In addition, Shepskies can be possessive of their belongings and their owners. They may act protective over these things. So, exposing your dog to people and children while he is still a puppy will help to ease this possessive type of aggression. 


Shepskies want attention. Like their Husky parents, they are pack animals and love companionship. These dogs don’t do well with confinement all day. They desire human interaction. 

You should plan to set aside sometime each day to give your German Shepherd Husky mix plenty of pets and attention.

3 Tips on preventing Shepsky aggression from actual owners

Let’s look at a real-life scenario where a pregnant woman moved in with her husband after being apart for a long time. After the move, the two-year-old German Shepherd Husky mix started barking and showing his teeth to the husband. He wouldn’t let the husband take him out for walks or even put him on his leash. So, this owner reached out to a Facebook group for help. 

Overall, the owners told her that they needed to stay calm and introduce the husband to the Shepsky mix slowly to help them build a relationship. Here are their tips:

#1 Stay calm and build a relationship with the Shepsky

Shannan advises, “Everyone in the household should try and stay calm when this happens to cause the dog will feed on the energy. She must be having trouble adjusting to all the changes so give her time. But also you should consult a trainer for the best advice as each situation is different. But maybe your husband should try playing with her. Throwing a ball or whatever she loves and giving treats and basic commands to get treats.”

#2 Build a relationship with the Shepsky

James says, “Seems to me he needs to get involved in her life more than just taking her for walks. He needs to do some interaction with her inside, playing, and doing tricks with her, getting her to do some stuff for treats and what not. He needs to be calm in his interactions with her and basically feed her and do things with her that you might do so she gets that he’s a part of the pack. Also, when she bears her teeth, he needs to say ‘ah-ah’ or whatever you use for ‘no’, and when she stops, give her a treat and praise her.”

#3 Hand feed the Shepsky

Cyn adds, “He needs to sit next to her somewhere quiet and hand feed her meals. From his hand. You need to not be around. He needs to hold his palm open flat with the food on it. While he does this he is going to speak quietly and calmly to her. He is going to praise her quietly for every bite she takes, he is going to tell her that y’all are family, he loves her, he loves you, that everything is okay. He needs to do this for a week. You can’t feed her. He needs to do this to establish trust between the two of them. Trust me, this method works. If she doesn’t eat then he picks the food up and she doesn’t get it until he sits down the next day with her.”

What are German Shepherd Husky mixes developed for? 

Shepskies are a pretty new breed. The intentional mixing of the German Shepherd and the Siberian Husky has only really boomed since the early 1990s. However, there were mixes of these two breeds before. 

German Shepherds were developed in the 1800s in Germany for herding. The Siberian Husky is an old breed that comes from Siberia as sled dogs. Both of these breeds are worker dogs. 

The Shepsky, however, was bred during a time when designer breeds were popular. This mixed breed was developed to intentionally create a super work dog. 

How do German Shepherd Husky mixes act around others? 

If Shepskies are not properly socialized, they can be aggressive toward others. However, with proper training, they are usually incredibly friendly and playful.

Are German Shepherd Husky mixes aggressive to other dogs?

Larger dogs can be intimidating to German Shepherd Husky mixes. They may see them as a threat to you and act defensively. They can be taught to regard these dogs less cautiously with proper training. 

However, Shepskies are also pack animals. They like to be around other dogs and work as a team. So, they can become fast friends with other dogs. In fact, it gives them someone else to play with.

Are German Shepherd Husky mixes aggressive to cats?

The Shepsky inherited an intense prey drive from its Husky parent, so they see cats as prey animals and don’t tend to befriend them easily.

Yet, if they are exposed to cats at an early age, they can learn to tolerate them and can be with them in the home. 

Are German Shepherd Husky mixes aggressive to children?

If your Shepsky is raised around children from puppyhood, they will do fine with children. You can also introduce children to older Shepskies, just do it under supervision. This mixed breed can be a bit jealous, at times. 

With time and training, they will do great with older children who will play and romp with them. They should be supervised around younger children who may mess with and tug at the dog. 

Are German Shepherd Husky mixes aggressive to strangers?

Since Shepskies are great guard dogs, they can be cautious of strangers. However, if properly trained, they should not lash out at strangers. They should always be on leashes at dog parks and on walks to prevent them from approaching people. 

This breed can be a large dog, which can be scary for some people. If a human reacts fearfully, it may cause your Shepsky to react in kind. 

What makes a German Shepherd Husky mix a good pet? 

Although German Shepherd Husky mixes have some strong personality traits, they also have so many lovely qualities that make them great family pets. Check out this video for an owner’s testimony about how much fun and sweet this breed can be:


Shepskies are incredibly energetic. If you want a dog who loves to play, then this is the pet for you. They are great to take on hikes or to go biking with. They can play canine sports and learn to fetch.

Their energy is contagious. In fact, owners who have active dogs have better health. They exercise more, according to a recent study.

The New York Times reported, “…most dog owners met or exceeded the standard guidelines for exercising for health, which call for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week.”

So, owning a Shepsky is great for someone who wants to meet fitness goals. This mixed breed will help you live an active lifestyle.


Shepsky’s protective behaviors have a positive side. These dogs are incredibly loyal. When you get this mixed breed, you are getting a companion who will follow you around and shower you with endless affection.


These dogs are big fuzzy babies. They are eager to please and super friendly. They want to please you and play. 

Good guard dog

If you need a dog to guard your property, these dogs will do the trick. They are large and have an intimidating bark that will scare away anyone who is not welcome. These dogs also will defend anyone they love. 


Shepskies are quick to learn new tricks and extremely clever. You may be surprised at how clever they are when they grab something off your counter or get past a gate. Yet, their intelligence also makes them great companions. They love to problem solve and are great work dogs.


The Shepsky comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns. They have long coats that come in a mixture of brown, gray, and black. They can even have white and cream coats. 

Their eyes can be brown, blue, or even bi-colored. They usually have upright, triangular ears. Their tails can either be curly or low hanging. The variations make them unique. 


Although the German Shepherd Husky mix has a reputation for being an aggressive dog. This mixed breed can be a great companion, but it needs plenty of exercise, training, socialization, and attention to reach its family dog potential. If you are looking for a dog to be a great companion and are willing to spend a lot of time and effort on them, then the Shepsky is a great choice for you. 

Further Questions 

Is a German Shepherd Husky mix a good dog? 

With plenty of training and care, the German Shepherd Husky mix can be an excellent family dog. This dog is higher maintenance than some other designer breeds and will take extra time and effort, but it is well worth it in the end. 

Is it easy to train a German Shepherd Husky mix? 

German Shepherd Husky mixes are intelligent and eager to learn. Yet, they inherited some of the Husky’s independence and stubbornness. They are easier to train than a Husky, but they can sometimes take a little longer to train than other more obedient breeds. 

How much exercise does a German Shepherd Husky mix need? 

A German Shepherd Husky mix needs at least 1 hour of exercise a day. In fact, it may need more based on the individual dog. You can play with toys, go for walks, hike, jump, and play fetch with these dogs.

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Sara Tait Payne
Sara is a writer, wife, mother of two, and animal lover. She enjoys crafting, gardening, and discovering new nature trails to explore.
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